Best Care for Baby: Training for Moms
Take a Prenatal or Parenting Preparation Class
Ask your health care provider for a class recommendation. Classes may be offered by the hospital or your provider. The classes provide many helpful tips for you, your partner and for caring for the new baby. Here are some class options for you:
Child Abuse Prevention Center
- 214-370-9810
Parent Aide Program teaches parenting skills. The program reinforces positive skills, builds strong parent-child relationships and provides access to community services. Parents receive services for up to two years, free of cost, coaching parents in non-violent prednisone discipline methods
- 214-969-1111
Families Program – prenatal, nutrition in pregnancy, and parenting classes
Golden Cross Clinic’s Life Shines Bright Pregnancy Program
Parkland Hospital and Health System
Sound Options Pregnancy Services
- 214-298-1900
Breastfeeding is a joyous experience that not only provides your baby with the perfect food; it is easy, convenient and economical. Additional benefits to the mother include the fact that it burns calories and helps you get back into shape more quickly. For a thorough discussion of the advantages of breastfeeding and formula/bottle feeding for newborns visit the website: or call 800-994-9662 for resources.;
Breastfeeding Resources
DABA (Dallas Area Breastfeeding Alliance)
- Information about support and classes; purchasing a breast pump and insurance reimbursement; medications and breastfeeding; Lactation service providers; North Texas Milk Bank (milk donations) (information sheet)
- In Dallas County
WIC Resources for Breastfeeding
- Breast Pump Program – WIC has available the latest in breast pumps and lactation supplies to help each mom reach her breastfeeding goals. We match equipment to each Mom and Baby’s special needs.
Locate a WIC Office Near You
Breastfeeding Support Groups - Breastfeeding mothers have the benefit of the Support Groups which were created to support them through the first year and beyond. The tadalafil Breastfeeding Peer Counselors facilitate regular meetings of WIC moms to work through breastfeeding issues and to support each mother’s feeding goals.
Parkland Hospital and Health System
- Lactation Services and Breastfeeding Classes
- Parkland Hospital
Targeting case management in zip codes 75210, 75212, 75215, 75216, 75231
New Connection Programs for all pregnant and postpartum women. Parenting classes, infant care classes and new mothers support groups offered. There is a specialized class for mothers in recovery. Call to enroll in services or fill out form (LINK) Services are free.