Questions & Answers
If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, you probably have many questions going through your mind. We’re here to help you get answers so you can make the informed decisions for you and your baby.
Click on each question below to learn more.
I think I'm pregnant. Now what?
I think I am pregnant:
→ First Trimester: Get medical attention. Set up prenatal appointment. Sign up for WIC, Medicaid, and other programs.
→ Second Trimester: Take car seat class, birthing class, infant care class; Get exercise; Practice good nutrition and healthy habits. Keep your appointments.
→ Third Trimester: Continue healthy habits, pack your bag and don’t forget baby clothes. Get car seat ready. Pick a name. Keep your appointments.
When should I tell my parents?
- Talk to someone you trust about your situation, such as a counselor, your doctor, a close friend.
- Get support to tell your parents. You may want to have a someone else with you when you tell your parents – a friend, your boyfriend, or another family member.
- Pick a good time to talk with your parents and plan what you will say.
- Be receptive to their advice.
- Be patient with parents – they are processing the news.
- Be ready to asnwer their questions.
- To find other resources Click here
- Speak with a school counselor for information about staying in school within your school district.
- For resources within the Dallas Independent School District contact Darlene English at [email protected] or at (972) 925-3386.
- For resources within other Independent School Districts in Dallas County, please contact your school counselor.
Helpful Hint:
Staying in school will provide you with skills that you will need to further your education or get a job in the future.
Did you know?
Staying in school helps you to be more successful in life. Graduating from high school helps to improve your earning power, opens the door to further education and improves your skills for employment.
Resources for Pregnant Teens
Alley’s House- 214-824-8700
- Provides several programs for teen moms such as counseling, GED preparation, Mentors for Young Mothers Program, case management, life skills program, Parenting at Home Program, on the job office and computer training.
- 214-603-1527
- Adoption services.
- 214-370-9810
- Healthy Families Program teaches pregnant and parenting teens positive parenting skills, the importance of keeping well child appointments, completing high school, obtaining higher education, and employment. The program is a free home visitation program helping participating families for up to five years.
- 214-951-7967
- Teens Maturing & Parenting Program addresses issues like adolescent maturation, identity & self-esteem, sexuality & dating, child development, addressing the needs of the child, role definition, establishing healthy lifestyles, self & child discipline techniques, learning styles, effective communication & conflict resolution, stress and anger management, and child abuse prevention.
- (214) 920-8493
- West Dallas office (214) 670-7185
- Provides Success for Life Program for teens and young adults to increase the functioning of teen and young adult parents, thus decreasing incidence of child abuse, neglect and generational poverty. This goal is accomplished through education, support and advocacy
- (214) 321-6292
- Offers the Mentoring Our Mothers (MOM) program to young parents ages 13 to 24, throughout pregnancy until their child is three. This is done through classroom programs in Dallas High Schools and providing Parents as Teachers® in-home visits to these teens. Parents as Teachers® is an international parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child is age three. The program is designed to enhance child development and school achievement through parent education accessible to all families. Referrals of pregnant and parenting teen mothers from Dallas area High Schools Pregnancy and Life Skills Teachers, WIC clinics, Health Clinics, and closed CPS cases are provided in-home services at no fee to the family.
- 214-467-2800
- 345 Calumet Avenue, Dallas, 75211
- Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8am-5pm Spanish speaking staff available.
- Services are Early Head Start, Teen Parenting Support Services and Childcare, Case Management, Mental Health and Parent Education
Day Care
It is not too early during your pregnancy to search resources for child care and if needed financial help for this service. There are many options for moms that work from sitters, nannies, and child care facilities specializing in baby care.
If you can’t afford private child care or a child care facility, you may be able to find help through these resources.
Head Start of Greater Dallas, Inc.
- Locations throughout Dallas County. Services: Early Head Start and Head Start
- Hours of operation: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for working parents, 8:15 a.m. -3:15 p.m. for non-working parents
- Eligibility criteria: Family’s Annual Income must be at or below the Poverty Income Guidelines. Children must be 0 months - 3 years for Early Head Start and 3 years to 5 years old for Head Start Services.
- Cost of Services: No fees. Families must meet eligibility criteria to qualify for services
- Documents client must bring on their first visit to enroll: Family’s current IRS 1040 tax form or annual benefit statement. Child’s birth certificate, immunization record, social security card.
- Spanish speaking staff available.
- 214-826-9922
- Contact the local branches about child care.
Low Birth Weight Development Center
- 214-467-2800
- 345 Calumet Avenue, Dallas, 75211
- Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8am-5pm Spanish speaking staff available.
- Services are Early Head Start, Teen Parenting Support Services and Childcare, Case Management, Mental Health and Parent Education
- Early Head Start is child care for families with children ages 0-3 years, Teen Parenting Assistance is childcare for children ages 0-5 years while the teens are in school or working, case managers help families set and achieve goals, medical follow up, and referrals. Support groups, home visits and individual counseling are available; HED, ESL and parenting classes are held weekly Eligibility criteria: vary by program, all must meet income eligibility.
- Services are free.
- Documents client must bring on their first visit to enroll: Parent ID card, social security card, proof of income and residence, child’s birth certificate, immunization and medical exam form
- Programs and Services
Do alcohol, drugs, and tobacco matter?
Yes, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco do matter when you are pregnant, so just say no!
Stop using any alcohol, tobacco products such as cigarettes, and drugs. Click here for more information about alcohol, drugs, and tobacco and resources to help you quit. When you consume alcohol, so does your baby. Alcohol in the mother’s blood passes through the placenta to the baby through the umbilical cord. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and a range of lifelong disorders, known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). (Center for Disease Control)
Tobacco Abuse
The dangers of smoking during pregnancy include premature birth, certain birth defects, and infant death. Even being around cigarette smoke puts a woman and her baby at risk for problems.
- Talk to your health care provider to help you quit smoking.
- To get help to quit smoking call 1-800-QUITNOW
- For more information see the CDC’s page on smoking and pregnancy click here.
Helpful Hint:
Quit smoking. Breathe for you and your baby.
Did you know?
Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy have about 30% higher odds of the baby being born prematurely. (Center for Disease Control)
Can I continue my prescribed medication?
If you are taking over-the-counter or prescription medications, call your doctor or healthcare provider right away. These medical professionals can tell you if the medication is safe for someone who may be pregnant or they may switch you to a different medicine.
Helpful Hint:
If you have any questions about your health or the health of your baby, be sure to ask your health care provider.
Did you know?
If you're pregnant, a flu shot is your best protection against serious illness from the flu. A flu shot can protect pregnant women, their unborn babies, and even their babies after birth. (Center for Disease Control)
Support Services for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Recovery
- 24 Hour Club (Recovery support)
4636 Ross Ave
Dallas, TX 75204
AA Meetings on location and transitional housing - Adult Rehabilitation Ministry (ARM) at the Golden Gate Baptist Church
1128 Sabine St
Dallas, TX 75203
AA and NA meetings offered using a Biblical approach, and Discipline Training classes - Alcoholics Anonymous
Dallas Intergroup Association Central Service Office
6162 Mockingbird Lane, Suite 213
Dallas, TX 75214
Information regarding AA meeting times and locations - APAA (Association of Persons Affected by Addiction)
(214) 634-APAA
Provides a multitude of services for life in recovery - Center for Addiction and Recovery Studies
(214) 645-0919
Case management, various classes and recovery support for pregnant and postpartum women. - Dallas Urban League
Multiple programs and services ranging from employment to housing - Greater Dallas Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
1349 Empire Central Dr., Suite 800
Dallas, Texas 75247
Information, resources materials, education and referral services - My Second Chance Inc. (Recovery Support)
4347 S. Hampton Rd. Suite 277
Dallas, Texas 75232
Office: 214.374.1104
Offers workshops online and in person regarding recovery and related issues
Detox from Alcohol and/or Drugs
- The Magdelan House
1302 Redwood Circle
Dallas, Texas 75218
(214) 324-9261
Free nonmedical 24-day detox for adult women who wish to stop drinking. AA meetings on location.
Adolescent Treatment Center
- New Day Counseling Inc.
10500 Steppingtron Drive, Suite 270
Dallas, Texas 75230
(214) 265-7474
Medicaid accepted, adolescent program
Outpatient Only Treatment Centers
- Dallas County Treatment Center (Methadone clinics)
123 East Colorado Boulevard
Dallas, Texas 75203 - Murray Hill Recovery
8222 Douglas Avenue, Suite 390
Dallas, Texas 75225 - Phoenix Project, Inc. (Outpatient services and counseling)
201 S. Tyler
Dallas, Texas 75208
(214) 942-5166 - Road to Recovery (Northstar provider)
9401 LBJ Freeway, Suite 270
Dallas, Texas 75243
Residential and Outpatient Treatment Centers
- Help is Possible Project, Gateway Foundation
723 S. Peak
Dallas, Texas 75223
(214) 827-2870
Residential and outpatient treatment based on sliding scale - Homeward Bound, Inc.
233 W. 10th St
Dallas, TX 75208
Offers a full range of chemical dependency treatment and counseling - LifeNet Community Behavioral Healthcare
9708 Skillman Ave
Dallas, TX 75243
Comprehensive services for adults and children with duel diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse), housing assistance - Nexus Recovery Center, Inc.
8733 LaPrada
Dallas, TX 75228
Residential and outpatient programs for adult women, women with minor children, pregnant and post-partum women and infants with alcohol and drug abuse problems - Pathways to Recovery
Inpatient and outpatient treatment services offered - Phoenix House
2345 Reagan St
Dallas, TX 75219
Substance abuse education, prevention, intervention and treatment services - Reconciliation Outreach
4311 Bryan
Dallas, TX 75204
Christian-based residential and non-residential program for homeless men, women and children dealing with substance abuse and/or domestic violence, offering after school programs, summer camp and day care center - Turtle Creek (residential)
2707 Routh St
Dallas, TX 75201
What is Medicaid, and who can help me fill out the application for it?
What is Medicaid?
- Medicaid is governmental aid for health care available only to certain low-income individuals and families.
- Medicaid does not pay money to you; instead, it sends payments directly to your health care providers.
- Medicaid covers many groups of people and you must meet the state’s eligibility criteria by bring pregnant; your income and resources (like bank accounts, real property, or other items that can be sold for cash); and whether you are a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted immigrant.
- Your child may be eligible for coverage if he or she is a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted immigrant. Eligibility for children is based on the child's status, not the parent's.
What do I need to do to sign up for Medicaid?
To qualify for Medicaid your first step is to have a pregnancy test from a health care provider or a clinic. You will need certification of your pregnancy from a clinic to apply for Medicaid. A home pregnancy test is not accepted.
Where can I sign up for Medicaid?
- You can get a copy of the Medicaid application here.
- Ask your health care provider, clinic staff, counselor or case manager for help.
What do I need to sign up for Medicaid?
You will need your certified pregnancy test, income and assets information, and a picture ID. Click here for more information.
Do I really need prenatal care if I'm feeling okay?
Helpful Hint:
Get early prenatal care. If you know you're pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit.
Did you know?
Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care.
Yes, all women need prenatal care so that you and your baby are healthy throughout your pregnancy. The benefits of prenatal care are:
- Helps doctors to spot health problems early.
- Finding health problems allows doctors to treat them early.
- Early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others.
Your doctor will give you a schedule of all the doctor's visits you should have while pregnant. Most experts suggest you see your doctor:
- About once each month for weeks 4 through 28
- Twice a month for weeks 28 through 36
- Weekly for weeks 36 to birth
- If you are older than 35 or your pregnancy is high risk, you'll probably see your doctor more often.
Who can I go to for information and help during my pregnancy?
Helpful Hint:
For more resources in Dallas County call 211.
Did you know?
If you are a pregnant woman living in Dallas County, you can get support figuring all of this out.
There are many resources for information and help during your pregnancy. You can contact many of the linked sites listed throughout this website, call 211 for other resources, talk with your health care provider, or, if prednisone in school, talk with your school counselor. The following are sites for general information and help during your pregnancy.
1700 Veterans Memorial Parkway, Lancaster, TX 75134
6810 Samuell Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75228
Hours: M-F 9:00AM-4:00PM. Honey Child classes have various times please call for more information.
Services: The Honey Child Prenatal Education Program has been designed to provide African-American women with the culturally-appropriate information and support needed to have the healthiest possible pregnancy and birth outcome. Honey Child uses a spiritual approach to promote prenatal health. The curriculum incorporates interactive group activities such as prenatal yoga and exercise as well as individual reflection and spiritual messaging, making it an appropriate prenatal health education program for the church setting. The Honey Child curriculum includes six sessions of two hours each. Topics include: Nutrition, Relaxation and Exercise, Prenatal Care, Self-Esteem, Preterm Birth, and Labor & Delivery.
The program serves African American women ages 18-35 in their 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Services are free.
No Spanish speaking staff available.
Low Birth Weight Development Center
345 Calumet Avenue, Dallas, 75211
Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri 8am-5pm Spanish speaking staff available.
Services: Early Head Start, Teen Parenting Support Services and Childcare, Case Management, Mental Health and Parent Education. Early Head Start is child care for families with children ages 0-3 years, Teen Parenting Assistance is childcare for children ages 0-5 years while the teens are in school or working, case managers help families set and achieve goals, medical follow up, referrals…, Support groups, home visits and individual counseling are available, HED, ESL and parenting classes are held weekly
Eligibility criteria: vary by program, all must meet income eligibility.
Services are free.
Required Documents: Parent ID card, social security card, proof of income and residence, child’s birth certificate, immunization and medical exam form.
New Connections Prenatal/Post-Partum Program
6363 Forest Park Road
Suite 226
Dallas, TX 75235
Parenting classes, infant care classes, new mothers support groups, recovery support and case management. Call to enroll in services or fill out form (LINK)
Nurse Family Partnership @ Parkland Health & Hospital System Program also at YWCA.
3310 Live Oak; Ste. 410, Dallas, Texas
Click on Medical Services, then Outreach
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday; 8AM to 4PM
Services: Nurse Family Partnership provides pre-natal and early childhood nurse home visitation program that improves the health and social functioning. The Partnership serves Medicaid eligible first-time mothers and their babies residing in zip codes: 75211, 75212, 75217, 75227, 75228, 75231, 75241, and 75243.
There are no fees. Enrollment is performed in the client’s home.
Spanish speaking staff available.
Staying in Touch
- Text4baby is a free service that provides pregnant women and new moms with free text messages each week on pregnancy and baby care health tips. These messages are timed to a woman's due date or the baby's date of birth.
March of Dimes Prenatal Care Webpage
- Provide information on prenatal care, ask a health professional, words to know, and other helpful suggestions for a healthy pregnancy.
American Pregnancy Association Webpage
- The American Pregnancy Association is a national nonprofit organization that promotes pregnancy wellness and education. The site contains connection to WebMD, calendars, free weekly pregnancy newsletter, birthing options and health care provider choices, among other topics.
What other financial resources are available to me?
For low-cost or free pregnancy tests please make an appointment with:
Agape Clinic
4105 Junius Street Dallas, TX 75246 (Grace United Methodist Church)
Hours of Operation: Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday, 7:30 a.m. – Noon Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – Noon (vaccinations available)
American Pregnancy Association
The American Pregnancy Association is a national nonprofit that has information regarding pregnancy and your health. This site provides information about free local pregnancy centers.
Down Town Pregnancy Center
(214) 969-2433
Services: FAMILIES is a program designed according to the tadalafil educational needs and desires of the expectant Mother. Video library covering topics such as pregnancy, nutrition, labor and delivery, sexual health, and parenting. Also Prenatal Classes, Nutrition in Pregnancy, and Parenting Classes. Earn while you learn: Mommy Bucks to spend as the Wee Care Shoppe. Items include diapers, wipes, formula, baby bottles, maternity clothing, infant and toddler clothing, cribs, strollers, changing tables.
Medicaid Application & Information from the State
Expedited Eligibility & Enrollment for Pregnant Women
Sound Options Pregnancy Services
658 Big Stone Gap, Duncanville, 75137
Services: Pregnancy tests, limited obstetrical Ultrasound, Report of Pregnancy for Medicaid, Lay counseling, adoption services
Hours of Operation: Mon. 10:00-4:00, 6:00-9:00; Tues. 1:00-4:00; Wed. 10:00-1:00, 6:00-9:00; Thurs. 6:00-9:00; Fri. 10:00-1:00
Cost of Services: All services are free of charge
Documents required: Picture ID requested but not required.
Limited Spanish speaking staff available.
What are my childcare options, and can I afford them?
It is not too early during your pregnancy to search for child care and financial help for this service.
- If you can’t afford private child care or a child care facility, you may be able to find help through these resources.
- Head Start of Greater Dallas, Inc.; Locations throughout Dallas County.
Services: Early Head Start and Head Start
Hours of operation: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for working parents, 8:15 a.m. -3:15 p.m. for non-working parents.
Eligibility criteria: Family’s Annual Income must be at or below the Poverty Income Guidelines. Children must be 0 months - 3 years for Early Head Start and 3 years to 5 years old for Head Start Services.
Cost of Services: No fees.
Required Documents: Family’s current IRS 1040 tax form or annual benefit statement. Child’s birth certificate, immunization record, social security card. Spanish speaking staff available. - YWCA 214-826-9922 or Email.
- Low Birth Weight Development Center or 214-467-2800
345 Calumet Avenue, Dallas, 75211
Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8am-5pm Spanish speaking staff available.
Services: Early Head Start, Teen Parenting Support Services and Childcare, Case Management, Mental Health and Parent Education. Early Head Start is child care for families with children ages 0-3 years, Teen Parenting Assistance is childcare for children ages 0-5 years while the teens are in school or working, case managers help families set and achieve goals, medical follow up, referrals…, Support groups, home visits and individual counseling are available, HED, ESL and parenting classes are held weekly Eligibility criteria: vary by program, all must meet income eligibility.
Services are free.
Required Documents: Parent ID card, social security card, proof of income and residence, child’s birth certificate, immunization and medical exam form - The Child Care Group or 214-630-5949
8585 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 500 South, Dallas, 75247
Child care for children 0-3 in family day homes.
- Head Start of Greater Dallas, Inc.; Locations throughout Dallas County.
- If you are in the Dallas Independent School District, contact your school counselor or Darlene English at 972-925-3386, or [email protected]
- If in another school district within Dallas County, check with your school counselor.
If you are wondering whether or not it is best for you to keep this baby, there are several agencies that help with the adoption decision. Adoption Resources
For answers to legal questions on a variety of topics including adoption link to
If you think you may be pregnant, the last thing you should do is ignore the situation. It’s in your best interest to act on these steps.
Stop using any alcohol, tobacco products such as cigarettes, and drugs. If you are taking over-the-counter or prescription medications to treat an illness or ongoing medical condition, call your doctor or healthcare provider right away. These medical professionals can tell you if the medication is safe for someone who may be pregnant and may switch you to a different medicine. Click here for more information about alcohol, drugs, and tobacco and resources to help you quit.
If you think you are pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test. They are available from your healthcare provider or a clinic. Numerous places also offer free or low-cost pregnancy tests. And if you plan on getting financial assistance through Medicaid, a pregnancy test is required. Click here to find out where to find free or low-cost pregnancy tests.
If the test confirms you are pregnant, you should get medical care right away. Click here to learn why this step is so important.
When you take care of yourself, you take care of your baby. Healthy moms have healthy babies. Click here to learn what you can do to have a better pregnancy.