Health & Safety: Alcohol, Drugs, & Tobacco
Just say no!
Even if you’ve used alcohol, tobacco or drugs with past pregnancies (or know someone who has) without complications, you are taking a big risk with your baby. Stop using any alcohol, tobacco products such as cigarettes, and drugs. Click here for more information about alcohol, drugs, and tobacco and resources to help you quit. Don’t gamble with the health of your child.
A woman who uses illegal—or “street”—drugs during pregnancy can have a baby who is born premature; is low birth weight; or birth defects. This includes drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, and ecstasy. (Center for Disease Control) These drugs can also kill the baby still in your womb.
If you are recovering from an addiction or need help quitting, we have included a list of local resources for you:
Recovery Services for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Detox from Alcohol and/or Drugs
- The Magdelan House
1302 Redwood Circle
Dallas, Texas 75218
(214) 324-9261
Free nonmedical 24-day detox for adult women who wish to stop drinking. AA meetings on location.
- New Day Counseling Inc.
10500 Steppingtron Drive, Suite 270
Dallas, Texas 75230
(214) 265-7474
Medicaid accepted, adolescent program
Outpatient Only Treatment Centers
- Dallas County Treatment Center (Methadone clinics)
123 East Colorado Boulevard
Dallas, Texas 75203 - Murray Hill Recovery
8222 Douglas Avenue, Suite 390
Dallas, Texas 75225 - Phoenix Project, Inc. (Outpatient services and counseling)
201 S. Tyler
Dallas, Texas 75208
(214) 942-5166 - Road to Recovery (Northstar provider)
9401 LBJ Freeway, Suite 270
Dallas, Texas 75243
Residential and Outpatient Treatment Centers
- Help is Possible Project, Gateway Foundation
723 S. Peak
Dallas, Texas 75223
(214) 827-2870
Residential and outpatient treatment based on sliding scale - Homeward Bound, Inc.
233 W. 10th St
Dallas, TX 75208
Offers a full range of chemical dependency treatment and counseling - LifeNet Community Behavioral Healthcare
9708 Skillman Ave
Dallas, TX 75243
Comprehensive services for adults and children with duel diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse), housing assistance - Nexus Recovery Center, Inc.
8733 LaPrada
Dallas, TX 75228
Residential and outpatient programs for adult women, women with minor children, pregnant and post-partum women and infants with alcohol prednisone and drug abuse problems - Pathways to Recovery
Inpatient and outpatient treatment services offered - Phoenix House
2345 Reagan St
Dallas, TX 75219
Substance abuse education, prevention, intervention and treatment services - Reconciliation Outreach
4311 Bryan
Dallas, TX 75204
Christian-based residential and non-residential program for homeless men, women and children dealing with substance abuse and/or domestic violence, offering after school programs, summer camp and day care tadalafil center - Turtle Creek (residential)
2707 Routh St
Dallas, TX 75201
- Talk to your health care provider to help you quit smoking.
- To get help to quit smoking call 1-800.QUITNOW
- For more information see the CDC’s page on smoking and pregnancy:
4636 Ross Ave Dallas, TX 75204
AA Meetings on location and transitional housing
1128 Sabine St
Dallas, TX 75203
AA and NA meetings offered using a Biblical approach, and Discipline Training classes
Dallas Intergroup Association Central Service Office
6162 Mockingbird Lane, Suite 213
Dallas, TX 75214
Information regarding AA meeting times and locations
(214) 634-APAA
Provides a multitude of services for life in recovery
(214) 645-0919
Recovery support and case management for pregnant and postpartum women. Parenting classes, infant care classes and new mothers support groups also offered. Call to enroll in services or fill out form
Services are free.
Multiple programs and services ranging from employment to housing
1349 Empire Central Dr., Suite 800
Dallas, Texas 75247
Information, resources materials, education and referral services
4347 S. Hampton Rd. Suite 277
Dallas, Texas 75232
Office: 214.374.1104
Offers workshops online and in person regarding recovery and related issues